当前位置: 知识学习 > 大学伊始,新生间存在差异,和室友处理好关系很重要,如何处理好室友间的关系~用英文写一篇作文~急~谢谢


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2024-11-15
  • 发布时间:2024-05-09 20:50:13
As a result of adaptation problems, relationship problems, it is more common for students, especially the bedroom relati

As a result of adaptation problems, relationship problems, it is more common for students, especially the bedroom relationships. As between the different living habits and mutual misunderstandings, resulting in students living in the community feel particularly uncomfortable. Some students are very distressed by isolation roommate: "I do not know why, maybe I do not pay attention to his manner of speaking. I felt we started talking to me sarcastically; Which if I do not intend to say the students, everyone together to help her. I feel very depressed, think back to the dorm does not mean fear of wrong things cause more trouble. So get up very early every day, carrying bags to the classroom to read, dormitory late at night, sometimes Even if not look, do not want to dorm to stroll down the playground, around and around, it is estimated only about a dormitory lights. "antithesis of those students are living in sad:" We are a student dormitory too, but she has now been isolated, but now I feel very depressed, because the atmosphere is not good quarters, the formation of confrontation. In fact, I think students who are not useless, but also want to speak to her, but we do not ignore her, if I take the initiative and she is good, as is bound to have caused the results are not ignored by everyone. "There are some students, even without this, also felt in the quarters is not very happy:" We are between quarters can and no arguments, but we are very polite, no words to say, I feel very boring. "This may be new problems are likely to encounter. How to deal with this problem, straighten out the relationship between the students with the hostel it?

First, we must address this problem, look for the problems themselves and the impact on interpersonal relationships quarters. Their living habits, such as whether the inconvenience to others? The adequacy of their words and deeds? If nothing wrong with it, you can adjust your habits; change their way of speaking to other people accept and understand manner.

Second, for more communication and more communication. Do not avoid because we have misunderstood the exchange and communication, and should take the initiative to communicate with everyone involved in our discussions and activities. The only way to better understand themselves and others, to eliminate misunderstanding between them, to strengthen mutual understanding and trust.

Third, broad-minded and more understanding and tolerant of others. Students should be a new era of the Sea, more than absorb other people's advantage; the shortcomings of others, should be more understanding and tolerance. Normal life for some trivial disputes arise, do not be too heart, the forgotten of the forgotten, the forgiveness forgiveness, reconciliation, the reconciliation, do not be too heart. The so-called "big **art, stupid little things", the limited energy to do the main things, for example, do a good job for their own learning.

Again, be true to others. As the saying goes: "All things are difficult reap." Only seeding sincere, true to self, others will be harvested in good faith. Because people unconscious in compliance with "interpersonal reciprocity" principle, you bare the extent of good faith will be rewarded. Some people are afraid to see their own shortcomings by others will affect your heart in someone else's image. Psychological research shows that: people do not like to be perfect in all aspects of a person, but rather is an outstanding performance in all aspects and there are some **all drawback of the most popular. So you do not care too much about their own shortcomings, this point should have enough confidence.

Finally, from the heart to praise others. Learn to appreciate and praise others, to at least make people feel comfortable to say the words, such as: "You're great!" You're hair looks good! "The words of praise like Yang who will be fun, and cause a positive emotional response. Emotions are contagious, that will be tran**itted to the people around to bring happiness all around." Happiness ", it will melt interpersonal impasse, so the bedroom becomes a harmonious relationship.


















想来只有我这宿舍比较特殊吧。从搬进去 到现在已经有四个月了,昨天师兄请吃 饭,得以和各位师兄畅快一番聊天。

这个宿舍从分宿舍开始,没有人愿意住进 去,即使是抓阄的,也不愿进去,我就搬 进去了(这个说明一下,我既不是别人说 的超级SB,也不是虚伪装清高(TNND,这样说的人,你来和我换换),没有别 的空床,我也就只能搬进去了)。

我们宿舍是5人间(现在住着5 个人,三 个博士师兄,一个博士后,外加我一个硕 士二年级)。平时师兄比较忙,晚上都是 我睡着他们回来休息,早上起床发现他们 又走了。平时也有碰着面的时候,但是却 没有北理工两个博士那样的境地,晚上回 来晚的时候,早上起来都是很轻的洗漱, 不会吵到别人。

师兄是博士后,北师大博士毕业,为人谦 和,待人热情,他和我交流最多,也是给 我指导最多,是一副大哥的关怀和照顾。 宿舍最早休息最早起的。

师兄是最早和我聊天的师兄,每天都很勤 恳的科研,作息规律好,晚上热水泡脚时 还不忘看会平凡的世界。每天早上起来去 某单位参与项目,晚上回来投入自己科 研,晚上很少有在12 :30前回宿舍。

师兄也是平时和我见面的师兄,每次见到 他,他都是满脸笑容,让人心情很好,他 是一个乐观的博士,事情看得比较开。

师兄是最勤勉的,每天都是在1:30 后 回宿舍,早上也是早起的,更重要的是, 他的科研周末也是这样作息的,除了几次 和师兄说说外,很少有怨言。他是给我启 迪最深的,他的心境修为是最高的境界的 吧。

